DPC Friendly Broker
Helping businesses give employees easy access to better healthcare
Can DPC work for your business?
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
- Albert Einstein
By incorporating DPC as part of your benefits package, you provide employees with easy access to great primary care at no cost to them.
This lowers out of pocket costs to employees.
Employees become and stay healthier; physically, mentally and financially.
Employees love their health plan package.
Implemented right, this brings down costs to employers and employees.​
If you are looking for a solution that allows you to offer better benefits to your employees and get much better value for the dollars you spend in benefits, then we need to talk.
I have a consultative approach that is different from the usual broker's strategy. Instead of shifting costs to your employees, I come up with innovate ways to get better benefits and much better value. The results are happier, healthier and more productive employees that has easy access to great health care.
I will be happy to discuss it in more detail with you. Contact me and we can set up a meeting.
Learn more at my website Class Insurance Consulting